Auntie Bar 10th June 2024

FAREWELL LITTLE BIRD Farewell sweetest little bird Some things we'll never know Like why you had to leave so soon So hard to let you go The world has lost a shining star My God how you'll be missed But we'll think of you each time they play A song by Taylor Swift And we'll hum along to Hamilton And bop to School of Rock Whilst picturing you with your phone and crisps, watching tik-tok And we'll see you in our mind's eye With a makeup brush in hand Our brightest spark, so good at art Your home-made cards so grand And we'll smile as we remember All your funny little ways Your wit and clever mimicry How you savoured food for days! The way you loved to splash and swim On sunny summer breaks And even once joining the ducks on Helston's boating lake! We'll always laugh on your behalf At Central Perk Friends' chatter And Dumbledore we'll still adore And we'll still 'heart' Chewbacca And we'll feel you when the yellow sun Breaks through a patch of grey Your favourite color - happy Just like you were every day We'll hold tightly to these memories And we'll hold on through our tears To the blazing ray of sunshine That you were for fourteen years You gave so much, the warmest hugs And bucketfuls of love But now you've found your wings to fly You're free to soar above Our precious lark ascending Our inspiration and our song It's so hard to be without you But your love it will live on Through forever magic moments In our hearts you'll still exist. For you were our joy, Our light, our hope Our everything Our gift 🖤